A class of 2012
- Doctor's Degree
- Master's Degree
- Hiroyuki Takagi
- Megumi Nishimura
- Isman Kurniawan (double dgree:Institute Teknology Bandung & Kanazawa Univ.)
- Meidy Triana Pakpahan (double dgree:Institute Teknology Bandung & Kanazawa Univ.)
- Bachelor's Degree
- Kazuma Tamura
- Tomoya Teraguchi
- Ryuki Hieda
- Yusuke Yamamoto
- Ikuya Nakamura
A class of 2011
- Doctor's Degree
- Syuhei Kawamoto enter National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
- Master's Degree
- Bachelor's Degree
- Makoto Kasaba
- Masato Teranishi
- Takuhito Shiogama
- Tsuhito Yoshida
A class of 2010
- Doctor's Degree
- Master's Degree
- Taihei Hashimoto
- Masashi Iwayama (go on to doctoral course)
- Muhamad Koyimatu (double degree: Institut Teknologi Bandung & Kanazawa Univ.)
- Micke Rusmerryani (double degree: Institut Teknologi Bandung & Kanazawa Univ.)
- Gia Septiana Wulandari (double degree: Institut Teknologi Bandung & Kanazawa Univ.)
- Bachelor's Degree
- Yasumasa Asakura
- Kento Ishigaki
- Hiroyuki Takagi
- Megumi Nishimura