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*"Computational Chemistry group (former laboratry name)" has been renamed "Computational Biophisics group" on April 2010.
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News & Updates
2018.10.2 The web of the Publications The web of the memberupdated
10.18 The web of the Member updated.
10.18 The web of the Photo updated.
9.2 The web of the Publications updated.
List of Pablications in 2017
K. Kawaguchi, S. Nakagawa, I. Kurniawan, K. Kodama, M.S. Arwansyah, and H. Nagao, “A coarse-grained model of the effective interaction for charged amino acid residues and its application to formation of GCN4-pLI tetramer", Mol. Phys.116,649-657 (2018) [doi]
S. Nakagawa, I. Kurniawan, K. Kodama, M.S. Arwansyah, K. Kawaguchi, H. Nagao, “Theoretical study on interaction of cytochrome f and plastocyanin complex by a simple coarse-grained model with molecular crowding effect", Mol. Phys.115,587-597 (2017) [doi]